Easel Painting
Both boys were really into easel painting this week. They made tons of pictures. They both made snowman pictures and B. made a picture of his Grandma and gave her a head,eyes, nose, hair, mouth and arms and legs out of the head part. This is only the second time he has made a person and he was sooooo proud. Since he was so interested in the easel I took this oppertunity to have him paint some unpper and lower case letters. You can see the Bb that he made. I wrote it on with a pencil and then had him trace/paint it with the paint.
Singing and Guitar
Both boys got guitars for Christmas and Charlie also got a stand up microphone. Both have been a big hit. C loves to sing and dance so he has been doing a lot of musical shows for us.
Polasr Bear ABC
Fine motor and math
Both boys had a great time fishing for letters and making words with this game.
C worked on a what number comes next sheet. He is getting so much better at forming his numbers the correct way. He also worked on laminated sheets to practice writing his first and last names and numbers. He has been writing his name for about a year but this is just good practice to help him form the letters correctly. He also finished up a math work book that we had picked up at Barnes and Noble. It was Disney and Mickey Mouse. It focused on recognizinf, counting and writing numbers to 10. He is excited to begin the next book which is addition and it has a Lightning McQueen theme.
It seems to be Lego central around here. We have Lightning McQueen Legos, Thomas the train Legos, and Toy Story Legos plus some of the smaller ones that Charlie has just started using. The boys LOVE them and have been creating some very interesting things with them. Great for problem solving and creative thinking.
We had a great week. We hope to be doing a little more academics next week but we will still be having lots of fun!!!!!
Oh my! Your little rock star is just too adorable.