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We had some real snow so we built a snowman and went sledding and C went on the sled all by himself for the first time. He LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!!!
C worked on pattern block cards from Melissa and Doug and then he made a snowman and a dog on his own.
We celebrated Groundhog day by talking about shadows and then making shadows with a flashlight. Then we read several books about groundhogs and made predictions about whether or not the groundhog would see his shadow. Our local groundhog did not see his shadow but we hear that Phil up north did see his shadow. So we are waiting so see when winter will actually end. We made these yummy groundhog cupcakes!
We played Candy Land a lot!!!! His new favorite game!
C worked on writing his numbers with these snowman cards from Confessions of a homeschooler. These cards are great. I just printed them off and put contact paper on them and we use a dry erase marker on them. He has asked to do them several times over the last couple of weeks.
We made edible snowball cookies. C loves helping in the kitchen and he had a blst making and eating these cookies. Go here for the recipe.
We worked on the sight word to and he traced it using rainbow writing and then he dictated a sentence to me and I wrote it at the bottom leaving blanks for the words he knew. He then wrote in the words go and to.
He spent a great deal of time playing with his Cars computer. It has a lot of different literacy and math games on it.
C spent a lot of time playing with playdough. He loves to make letter with it now. I called out a word to him and he makes the beginning sound out of the playdough.
We played this game a lot these past two weeks. He loves it. You have to fish the letter out of the pond to spell the words. It is a great literacy game and it helps to develop fine motor skills.
C played a rhyming matching game. He had to match a picture with a rhyming picture card from the stack. He did sooooo good with this. He really shocked me with how well he knew rhyming words.
After he did such a great job with the rhyming matching game we talked about words that rhyme with snow. He used a snowflake stamp to stamp the word snow and then he dictated words to me that rhymed with snow.
C made a snowman using marshmallows. I drew the circles on for him and then he used glue to trace them and then put marshmallows on to form the snowman. He used our scrap box to decorate the snowman. He loved tracing the circles with the glue. !!!!!!!!
We had two really fun weeks but our 2nd week was cut short due to my little one having pneumonia. Hopefully we will be back on track next week.
I am so sorry that the little one was sick. It sounds like C did fantastic with his snow unit. I really liked his pattern work - very creative.