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Our Bible story for this week was Joseph and his coat of many colors. We did this activity that we found at Raising Rock stars. The pattern was found at www.dltk-bible.com. C had a lot of fun making the colorful coat! We talked a lot about Joseph and we talked alot about what it means to be jealous. Our bible verses this week came from the activity/scavenger hunt you will see below. All of our verses were about God's love for us.
I had so many fun Valentine things planned for this week but as luck would have it my little one has been very sick with pneumonia and now a virus. In the last 8 days we have been to the dr. 3 times and the hospital once. So we did not get to all of our Valentine activities. We may work on some over the weekend and if we do I will be sure to post them.
Some of the great Valentine theme books that we read this week!!
We made these cute snowmen out of plastic water bottles, shredded paper, pom-poms, pipe cleaners, flet and wiggle eyes. They were a lot of fun to make.
C laced a big Valentine heart and the decorated it with stickers and glitter.
C sorted Valentine M&M's by color and then graphed them. He had to do some counting, sorting, recognizing numbers, writing numbers, and determine the most and least. He did an awesome job with this. I was very surprised and proud of him. Of course his favorite part was getting to eat the M&M's! I got this graph seet at Confessions of a Homeschooler.
C used cut out hearts and heart stickers and glitter to make a heart sun catcher. Boy did he love the glitter
C loves or maybe I should say is obsessed with Lightning McQueen for the movie Cars. He has all of these Cars Legos and he loves to build with them. He spent a lot of time building with them this week.
I hope your little one gets to feeling better...we are extending valentine's day as well!
ReplyDeleteI love your scavenger hunt idea! That is such a great way to teach about God's Love!
ReplyDeleteOh yay! So glad this idea worked out for your family too. May your boys understand just how deep and wide and high and, well, WONDERFUL His love is for both of them!