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Last week we did not officially do Preschool. All I can say is that I was just tired and needed a break. The boys were tired too so the week off really did us all a world of good. We did however go see Curious George at our local civic center. That was definately the hit of our week!!!
Curious George
This week we reviewed the letter Mm and worked on the sight words me and my. C is really getting into the sight words and looking for them everytime we read. I made a caterpillar to go on the wall in his room and everytime he learns a new word we add to the caterpillar. He loves reading the words to me each night before he goes to bed.
Our Bible story this week was Mary and Martha. We talked a lot about how Jesus told Martha that Mary was doing the right thing. This led into many discussion on how we should do the right thing especially when those around us are not doing the right thing.
We read the books The Mitten and The Hat by Jan Brett. I printed off the mitten pattern and the animals from the story off of janbrett.com. C took the mitten and laced two of them together then he colored the animals and he uses them to retell the story. He did a very good job with retelling. We also printed off the hedgehog headband from the same site and after reading the story C took our scrap box and made a hat to go on Hedgie.
The Hat
We did do-a-dot markers on M is for Mitten off the Making Learning Fun website. He made an abc pattern on the M on his sheet and then this led to him making an abcd pattern with the do-a-dot painters on a white sheet. He is really begin to get into and understand patterns. C also spend some time tracing capital and lower case M's and writing some on his own.
C got out his alphabet blocks and put them in order a-z using the upper case letters and then he took the lower case ones and matched them to the upper case.
Both boys spent a lot of time this week playing trains and then redesigning the track.
C has a set of Lightning McQueen card and we played war with them. It is the numbers 0-9 so this really helped him with the concepts of more and less. Then he took the card and sorted them by number. He also put them in order from 0-9.
C orked on the sight words me and my this week. He did rainbow writing on the words and then he dictated aentence for me to wtire and he filled in the words that he knew. Then we added the words to his word worm caterpillar in his room.
He did this worksheet from prekinders on the letter s. He colored all the pictures that began with the S sound.
We had made these snowmen snacks several weeks ago but C asked if we could do them again. Luckily I had all the items that we needed in the house. He said this is his favorite snack.
My favorite picture of the week.
C took the hat off of our snowman outside and put it on with some 3-d glasses from a puzzle that he has and just danced around the den for about 45 minutes. OH! What fun he had!!!
We had a lot of fun this week. We hope to celebrate Dr Suess next week and read and do lots of fun Seuss activities.