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We had a really great week this week. We got about 5 inches of snow on Tuesday and we had tons of fun playing in it. The boys are getting very good at throwing snowballs. Especially at me and daddy!!
We also celebrate Dr Seuss this week. We read and reread a ton of Dr. Seuss books and did several activities.
Our Bible story this week was about Baby Moses. We talked a lot about how God watches over us and keeps us safe. C has also been full of questions about heaven. We have talked a lot about heaven since both of his grandmothers are in heaven and he never got to meet them. He will look at pictures of them and ask all sorts of questions about heaven and what heaven is like. He also wanted to know if he would see Papaw's dog, Sheba in heaven one day. I am so glad that he is so interested in God, heaven and that he is so excited do do our daily devotion time and read Bible stories.
The Snow
We got 5 inches of beautiful snow and the boys had an absolute blast playing in it. We had snowball fights, made a snowman, a snowbear, and just tons of fun!!
Snow Cream!!
What is a good snow without snow cream??? We made a big bowl and the boys thought it was just yummy!!!
On Saturday we went to Lowes to build a Lowbot car and robot but we got there too late. So they gave us a kit and we took ti home and built it. It has been the favorite toy this week!
Dr. Seuss
This week we celebrate Dr. Seuss and read many stories. C is really into rhyming right now so he loves these stories.
The Cat in the Hat
We also made Green Eggs and Ham but of course I forget to get a picture of it!
Put Me In the Zoo
C made a dog from Put me in the Zoo that we got the template of Making Learning Fun. He used the dot painters to paint the spots. Then we did the Z is for Zoo magnet page using the dot markers.
Mr. Brown Can Moo
C is very into learning sight words right now so I found an emergent reading on Making Learning fun that went along with the story Mr Brown Can Moo. C worked on the word can and he circled all the cans in the story. He can now read the book.
C has a cookie monster workbook and he worked on the Aa and Bb pages. It is helping him learn how to form the letters.
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