Friday, July 22, 2011

Preschool- Kindergarten July 8-15

The last two weeks have been laid back and we have just tried to beat the heat.
We spent a lot of time at the pool and we worked on the letter Ii and of course we ate a little--well a lot of ice cream.
C also work a lot on his sight words and reading some phonics readers.  For some reasons I did not get any pictures of him working on reading.
The boys also had a lot of fun painting with cars.

Pool Time

Painting with cars

Letter I work-
Making an Iguana out of the
letter I. Idea from here

Making an inchworm crawling
up a leaf with the stem shaped
like the letter i.
Idea from here.

Fine motor skills
tracing the path to find the
ice cream.  idea from here.

Playing the roll and build ice cream game from here.

Making CVC words and word family words from


  1. I LOVE your picture and it looks like you are having FUN!

  2. aww his iguana is adorable! He looks like he really enjoyed car painting. :) I will try that soon.

  3. Lots of fun!!

    Popping in from tot school.
