Monday, October 12, 2009

TOT-School Week 7

Tot School

B is 18 months old

This week we did a little work with the letter Bb. We read many stories about bears and we worked on color recognition. We also read the story Stellaluna and made a bat with B's handprints. Our Bible story was Adam and Eve.

B made a teddy bear headband. He wore it almost the entire week. He loved looking at himself in the mirror with it on.

B enjoyed playing with the color matching cards from Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You see?. This was an Elmer's game that we got at Barnes and Nobel.

B used dot painters to paint the letter B blue.

B laced a teddy bear. I had to hold it for him most of the time but he did a great job putting the string in and pulling it all the way through. Then he glued on eyes and a nose.

After reading Stellaluna B made a bat using his handprint that we traced on black paper. He liked flying it around when he finshed it.

After reading A Pocket for Corduroy B made a Corduroy and then he put several pockets on it.

B made a bear out of the letter B. He really enjoyed using the glue on this project.

B also loved watching this Bear in the Big Blue House Video about shapes and colors.


  1. Every single one of those crafts is just adorable!

  2. Wow! You had some very neat ideas, I loved all the crafts. I have to say my favorite was Mr Potato Head!
