C working on his sight words. He chose to make them with glitter glue this week.
Trip the the fire and ice event at the library.
Field Trip
Cook-out with the cousins and a little night time slip-n-slide.
B. Worked on the letter I some this week. We did not get around to everything but we will do some more next week.

Sight word color by number from the moffett girls.

Sight word color by number from the moffett girls.
This idea came from 2 teaching mommies.
Cars 2 cars.

We used Crayola color bubbles to make pictures. I taped

We used Crayola color bubbles to make pictures. I taped
paper to a tree and the boys blew the bubbles at the paper.
They had sooooo much fun. Yes, it was a little messy--so messy
in fact that they had to get in the pool to get the color bubbles off
of them before we could go back in the house. BUT it was
soooooooooo much fun!!
opening day and they both loved it.
This is just a little craft when they got
to paint Lightning McQueen.