We had Thanksgiving at Papaw and Grandma's house. Danny and Duckett came and we had a wonderful dinner. Charlie made the place setting turkeys and decided where everyone would sit. The only bad thing about the day was that Eric was sick and felt so bad that he just slept through dinner.
In late October we took a few days and went to the beach. The weather was great, the pools were heated and the boys had a blast. It was a wonderful trip.
Halloween was so much fun. The boys made brownie haunted houses and deocrated them. They had Halloween parties at school, went to trunk-or-treat at our church and at another local church and also went trick-or-treating to several at several family and friends houses. They still dress up in their costumes and play Toy Story all the time.

Fall Hike
C played Upward Soccer and loved it. He really liked playing although sometimes he was a little distracted while on the field. Upward is really a great program because they incorporate Bible stories into practice and game times.
Apple Orchard
We took a wonderful trip to the apple orchard. The boys had so much fun picking their apples and eating apple doughnuts. We had to walk to the bottom of the orchard to get the apples and B. had to have a little help getting back up the mountain. He got a little tired.